This month we’re going to look at how current, enrolled students find studying at the London Cello Institute. We’re going to delve into exactly why the London Cello Institute is so successful with its students and what it’s like to study there. The aim of this article is to resolve any queries you may have and to get a clear insight into studying at the London Cello Institute.
Clearing Up Those Apprehensions…
As adults we often have apprehensions about starting anything new and investing time and money into it. Often we don’t allow ourselves the luxury of starting a new hobby and cast away any ambitions we may have as we see them as ‘unnecessary’. I caught up with a few students at the London Cello Institute and asked them about their apprehensions before starting at the London Cello Institute and if those apprehensions were put at ease.
Student 1: “I went into the institute with a fully open mind. I was simply excited about a potential new and exciting chapter in my life and learnings. I wasn’t sure what to expect, everything was new to me – I had never even held a cello before.”
“I guess the main apprehension was whether the classes would be worth the monthly cost, especially since I didn’t live in London and had to travel in for my lessons. I usually do well as an independent learner, so I was thinking that perhaps I could just learn the instrument at home myself. At the same time, I figured the institute might be a good way to kickstart my practice and get me comfortable with the basics.”
Another student commented…
Student 2: “I was worried that certain gaps in my playing ability and musical knowledge would be an issue and potentially affect the efficacy of the lessons.”
Both students came to the London Cello Institute at very different standards, with varied apprehensions but they kept an open mind and trusted the process of learning and are still thriving, dedicated students.
Your First Lesson at The London Cello Institute
Your teacher is the most important part of learning, they are there to guide you and educate you on a deep musical level as well as teaching you the fundamentals of playing the cello. You will form a relationship with your teacher which is based on trust. Your first lesson is crucial in establishing this relationship. At the London Cello Institute, we strongly believe that students and teachers are on equal ground, so there is no need to be concerned about having a frightening teacher you may have had back at school! Here is how some of our current students found their first lesson.
Student 1: “My first lesson was incredibly motivating and fun. I left with a big smile on my face. I felt very connected with my tutor Evie – we had a dialogue, she listened to me.”
“Our lessons always built excitement for me, I was motivated to practice and it felt great to have clear goals for each week – usually that would be a new piece to learn, a new technique or scale to practice. I immediately understood the value of having a good tutor, and it has made all the difference.”
Student 2: “The first lesson was great as Evie very quickly assessed my playing level and identified some of the gaps in my knowledge and put together a comprehensive plan to address these gaps”
Both of these students comment on how they felt it was working with their teacher from the very first lesson. We will always aim to make you feel at ease, listen to your story and know your personal aspirations with your cello playing before delving into the technical aspects as we believe it’s crucial to understand every individual student in order to help them get to exactly where they want to be.
How Fast Will You Progress at The London Cello Institute
At the London Cello Institute your teacher will make sure you are learning new material at the right pace for you so that you fully understand all the basic fundamentals of playing the cello before exploring the vast array of cello repertoire. Everyone learns at completely different rates and in completely different ways. Your teacher will be constantly assessing exactly how you learn and will structure your lessons according to how best you learn. It’s important not to compare your rate of learning to anyone else as this puts unnecessary pressure on your individual journey. Let’s have a look at how our current students at the London Cello Institute found their progression.
Student 1: “I feel I have progressed tremendously. Not only in terms of playing the instrument but also in reading sheet music, improving my vocabulary, pitch hearing and even posture. As a foreigner I have had to learn the vocabulary to have conversations about music, including instrument-specific terminology, rhythm, notes, dynamics, etc. That in itself has been a big thing.”
“After a year of learning the cello I look back at my accomplishments with a lot of pride. I recognise that the progress comes from my own hard work and practice, but I am certain that I wouldn’t have been able to do it without the structure, guidance and gentle pushes from my tutor at London Cello Institute.”
Student 2: “My confidence and ability to perform the foundational aspects cello has been boosted which has made a huge difference to my playing proficiency.”
Having previously talked of their apprehensions, it’s important to notice how these seem so insignificant when reflecting on their tremendous progress over their time studying at the London Cello Institute.
Will Studying at The London Cello Institute Affect Other Parts of Your Life?
Most people are often very surprised at how studying the cello has an impact on other parts of your life. Many people use the focused mindset needed for cello practice as a form of mindfulness. Other people find the sound of acoustic music filling their homes to be very restful, and often has a big effect on the people you live with. The world of music is vast and one in which it is easy to immerse oneself in. It can be a beautiful distraction from past trauma and may alleviate personal stress. Over the years I have heard some incredibly beautiful stories about how past students lives have been heavily impacted by learning the cello later on in life; let’s take a look at a couple of those now.
Student 1: “I actually took up the cello right after a big trauma in my life — I lost one of my dearest friends to cancer and it happened very suddenly. Having cello as a hobby – something that’s always been in my bucket list – has given me focus and helped me cope with my loss.”
“Cello practice can be really therapeutic – it often forces your brain to focus on improving small specific things, clearing your thought from any other noise. Music adds so much beauty to our lives, and the ability to create that beauty yourself is a magical thing.”
Student 2: “The London Cello Institute has given me an insight into the greater musical community and I have been inspired to join an amateur orchestra.”
Studying at the London Cello Institute has affected both these students differently and highlights the way in which the London Cello Institute strive to make you a well rounded musician and not just teach you how to play the cello.
Do Current London Cello Institute Students Recommend Studying There?
When you’re looking into where to study the cello, we know it’s a big investment and at the London Cello Institute we completely appreciate that, so we tailor every lesson to the individual needs of each student. As a London Cello Institute student, you will receive bespoke lessons at the frequency of your choice. Your teacher will always aim to be as flexible as possible with timings to accommodate your busy schedule, as we understand everyone in the City of London has busy lives. Now, we all love a personal recommendation, so let’s find out if our current students at the London Cello Institute would recommend it to their friends and family.
Student 1: “I would recommend London Cello Institute to anyone who is serious about learning music, or even just curious about it. What I like the most about London Cello Institute and my learning experience is that I have never felt being pushed into a box. My lessons have been fully customised to my individual needs and abilities. My tutor has been able to give me an idea of near-future goals, but at the same time been flexible and able to pivot as my interests evolve. I think that’s really important for adult learners.”
Student 2: “I would absolutely recommend London Cello Institute to any one of my friends who needed a cello tutor. The mere fact that London Cello Institute sources tutors from prestigious school such as the Royal Academy of Music guarantees an experience that is effective, evidence based and bespoke to the individual needs of the student.”
Hopefully this has given you a helpful insight into studying at the London Cello Institute. If you have any questions, do not hesitate getting in touch with us, we are always happy to answer any questions you may have, however strange you think they may be.
With great thanks to the current students of the London Cello Institute for their participation in answering these questions.